27 Jun 2017

Coming soon: Changes to access on Lámh Signs Online

Families, staff members and communication partners who have attended a Lámh Course have been using the Lámh Signs Online www.lamhsigns.org video resource since it was launched in 2014.

With www.lamhsigns.org, users can view video clips, close ups and descriptions of Lámh signs demonstrated by Lámh sign experts on their phones, tablets and computers. For Lámh Course participants, these Lámh sign video clips are included as part of your Course Training Pack.

As users of Lámh Signs Online will know, when you log in to the resource, Family Lámh Course and Module One course participants can currently click on Request More Signs to see videos of other signs that were not learned at the their Lámh Course. For families the cost of this bundle of extra signs is €2 in total. This means that families currently have access to up to 250 Lámh signs after their Family Lámh Course, and Module One participants have the same. You can also attend a Part Two Family course or Add-on Module One Workshop which will include these signs.

NEWS: Lámh are currently working with the www.lamhsigns.org web developer to increase the access to Lamh signs that users, families and other communication partners will have on Lámh Signs Online, to include all signs. This development is a priority for Lámh and updates on this will be available soon. Our commitment as always has been on the positives of face to face teaching of signs and the high standards of signing. The decision to increase the access to Lámh signs via our video resource where sign demonstrations can be viewed has come from feedback gathered from families and other communication partners, from Lámh Family Courses and from online.

We collected further feedback recently when looking at the Lámh vocabulary survey that many families responded to on Facebook and on our website, which is resulting in new Lámh signs being created. Copies of the current list of Lámh Signs are available and brand new signs will be added during 2017.

Updates on these changes will be announced on our website www.lamh.org, on social media and on www.lamhsigns.org.