Lámh Module One Add On for Communication Partners of Children who use Lámh -

Start Date: 
24 Mar 2025 - 18:30
Course Times: 
6.30pm to 9.30pm
James O'Keeffe Institute, IRD Duhallow,c Newmarket, Co. Cork P51 C5YF

Participants must submit their cert of completion of Module One to the course organiser before attending this course.

Cost of Course: 
Course Contact Name: 
Anna Cieslowska
029 60633
Course Overview: 

Communication partners of children who use Lámh and who have completed Module One can attend this practical workshop that looks at encouraging Lámh use as well as adding to their Lámh sign vocabulary. It can be delivered online or in person.

Qualifications Required: 

Module One Lámh Certificate

Course Duration: 
3-4 hours over one or two sessions
Course Content: 

The workshop covers:

  1. Lámh and Total Communication
  2. How to use toys and games to create opportunities for Lámh signing
  3. Additional sign vocabulary
  4. How to promote Lámh use in the pre-school and school
  5. Revision of Module One Lámh signs
  6. Looking at research on using manual signs and AAC with children
Course Materials: 
  • Membership of Lámh Signs Online
  • Module One Add-on Handbook and Signbook
  • Certificate
Course Given By: 
Lámh Tutor
Accreditation Achieved: 

Module One Add-on Certificate

Course Recognised by: 