31 Jul 2024

Lámh-a-Song, Sign of the Week and more...

There are lots of Lámh Resources that you could take a look at over the summer:

  • Dizzy Deliveries TV Series ! & 2 with Lámh signs on the RTE Player - 26 episodes available with themes of the zoo, doctors, bakery, horse riding, the airport, and lots more

  • Sign of the Week and lots of more on our Twitter,Facebook and Instagram @LámhSign, with some more content on

  • Youtube Lámh Signs and RTEJr

  • Lámh-a-Song 1 & 2 children's songs available on DVD and download from Vimeo

  • Lámh Posters: 'Out and About', 'Numbers', 'Colours', 'Sports', 'At the Hospital' from our online Shop - Bank poster and Schools poster coming soon!

  • The Lámh Project video The Lámh Project on Youtube

  • Little Lámh resource- with 26 videos of signs for €2 at www.lamhsigns.org

  • Lámh Time App on Apple has 6 activities, 2 stories and a sign video library

  • Our online video library of Lámh signs www.lamhsigns.org has been designed as a reminder and a support to those who have completed the Module One Lámh Course or Family Lámh Course.