Lámh Tutors Trained
Twenty five new Lámh Tutors from around the country attended training recently . Tutors will go on to deliver Lámh courses to staff and families. They are currently completing Level Two of their training. Well done to all!
The Leaflet is called 'Using the Lámh Sign System to Support Your Child's communication - Information for families of young children with Down syndrome'. The leaflet includes information on what Lámh is, manual sign, benefits of using Lámh, who will support families starting to use Lámh, what is the Lámh Family Course and the service providers' role.
The idea for the leaflet came from a meeting of members of the Board of Directors of Lámh, Down Syndrome Ireland's Early Childhood Educator, DSI's CEO and the Lámh Development and Liaison Officer in February 2007. Among other plans, it was decided that a leaflet would be produced by Lámh and DSI in collaboration.
for copies of the leaflet, contact the Lámh Development Office and Down Syndrome Ireland, Citylink Business Pk, Old Naas Rd., Dublin 12, Ph. 01 4266500 or see www.downsyndrome.ie